Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fever Again

I got up this morning and went for a walk along the road that is next to the ocean, and then picked up a few groceries on my way home. My apartment is only a block away from the waterfront. I can see the ocean out my back window. So far, I have not seen anybody swimming in the ocean, but I asked somebody, and I was told that people swim off the dock on the weekend. They don't during the week because people are in work or school.

On my way back, I stopped to talk to somebody who makes the wooden rings. He showed me the whole process for how they are made, and I was very interesting. I might go back and buy a couple before I leave. I am still trying to keep my expenses somewhat limited, though I think I'm spending less money than I would be if I was in Spokane freezing my butt off and taking classes instead.

I was feeling much better last night, other than some general muscle soreness, but a little after returning from my walk, my fever returned with a vengeance. I feel so lazy, not really doing anything, but my energy level is so low, I don't really have much of a choice. I bought some orange juice and grapefruit juice to increase my vitamin C intake, which I hope helps. I have not been to use the internet today, because I usually go in the afternoon, and now I am feeling so crappy that I might wait and go tomorrow.


  1. oh no! I hope you are better by now. This is not good. Do you have a thermometer to tell exactly how high it has gotten?

  2. No idea. Not too high, I think. All better now, though.



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